Sunday, October 5, 2008

Perfect Use for a Polly Pocket House

Luke is a boy. A boy with three older sisters. A boy who is forced to live with the the hand-me-down toys of three older sisters. Sure he gets some of his own toys but the math kind of makes it impossible for the number of "boy" toys to be balanced by the number of "girl" toys based on his new arrival to the scene and the shear number of previous girl birthdays etc. Not that we much worry about what is a boy thing or a girl thing in our house. I put him in pink hand-me-down pajamas more often than not and he has gotten his own dolls for Christmas before because he likes them. But there is just something inside his little boy body that doesn't quite find the same satisfaction with the girl toys that it does with the boy toys. He likes cars and balls and legos. You would think that with about a million barbies laying around he could get used to playing with them. And he does sometimes. But he prefers the cars. And we really don't have the best accessories to go with the cars yet. So sometimes he has to make due with what he's got. And sometimes a Polly Pocket house is much more entertaining as a parking garage than a Polly Pocket house.

1 comment:

Us Lochers said...

Poor little fella. He's probably going to grow up like his dad and be well.... a good housewife! he he he