Sunday, February 22, 2009

Best week ever!

Here is a little recap of our week.
We got a little drywalling done on one of the bedrooms downstairs (just when I thought I was done working on the basement for awhile, Molly asked me to finish another room in the basement before the baby comes). Luke was helping me fill the screw holes.

We played a little DDR (yes Luke is wearing his princess outfit again). The kids are starting to get pretty good at this and can now even make it through most of the songs without failing.

Me and the girls went bowling on President's day. They have been begging me for months and I always just tell them to play Wii bowling. But Monday seemed like a good day to go out. It was a good time. Zoe beat all of us with a high score of 103.

I got my new glasses from and they work great. I got everything you see here plus a glasses case and lint-free cleaning cloth for the low-low price of $26 (including titanium frames, lenses, anti-glare, scratch resistance, uv protection, clip-on sunglasses, and shipping). I was very excited to find a cheap place to buy glasses. At standard optical they quoted me a price of $180 for the same lenses (not including the frame). I couldn't believe it. I told them to just give me the prescription so I could buy my glasses somewhere else. And I am glad I did.


Rachel said...

What a fun time!! I hope you're keeping up okay with all your homework and working on the room in the basement. It sounds like you've been pretty busy lately.

How long did it take for your glasses to arrive? I finally found my prescription and I'm going to order some glasses, but I was wondering how long it would take. Such a great deal!

Shane Ellis said...

The glasses took a little less than two weeks to get to me.

Shelli said...

We've been wondering what you have been up to lately! Now we know! My kids are begging to go bowling too. They'll probably tell me they wish they were your kids now!

Colleen said...

What a fun week! Good job getting those screws filled in! And, wow, Zoe, 103?! That's amazing! You've got a natural.