Saturday, February 14, 2009

My lovely valentine

I don't remember exactly when this was taken. Sometime in high school. I guess I would have been a senior and Molly would have been a sophomore. So that would make this in 1994 or 1995. I don't think I ever asked her to a school dance, so I think that this must have been a girl's choice. We dated for a few short months. Actually I don't remember how long we dated because I was in denial that we were dating for most of it. But I did like her a lot. More than I wanted to. And I still like her a lot. I am glad she was still available when I got home from my mission. And that she was able to forgive me for breaking her heart when I broke up with her in high school. I wasn't trying to be mean. Just practical. I knew that I was going on a mission in the next year or so and I didn't need to be distracted by an infatuation with a beautiful girl. I think Molly might say that being practical is one of my flaws. It seems girls don't find that very comforting most of the time. I think they would prefer a completely unpractical guy with nothing but lovely sentiments ruling his heart. But if they got their wish, they would have a hard life I think. So I try to strike a balance and not be as practical as I feel I should be. She seems happier that way.

Oh, and no, that is not a wig I am wearing. It's my real hair. Or it was anyway.


Tamaran said...

That is awesome. I didn't know you two were high school sweethearts(or were until you squashed her heart). I love the picture!

Us Lochers said...

Great picture. I want to comment on how you're dressed too... but I'm trying to remember if that's how my class dressed???