Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hair today, gone tomorrow

I usually cut my own hair.  It is cheap and easy to do when you have clippers and wear a simple hair-do like I do.  So I cut my hair on Sunday and Luke was helping me and when I was finished I thought he would think it was funny if I took some of the cut off hair and made a mustache.  He thought it was hilarious.  Then I had the ingenious idea to put some of the hair cut off of the unwanted parts of my head and put it on the parts of my head were it is more needed.  Just for old times sake, you know, to remind myself of how handsome I used to be with a full luxurious head of hair that waved in the wind like a field of wheat on a sunny day.  So I stuck it on top.  Luckily it was a hot humid day and the cut hair stuck to my head like flies on a fly trap.  With the extra I made up the mustache again, but it wouldn't stay put very well.  But I remembered seeing an old Calvin and Hobbes cartoon where he cut his hair and taped it to his face.  So I went for the tape.  And this is what I got.

You can kind of see the tape on my upper lip because the hair still had a hard time staying on a vertical surface even with tape.  But all the kids were laughing and having a great time putting hair on their faces too so it didn't really matter.  Here is Luke with his large eyebrows.

Aw yeah, good times at the Ellis house.


Jenni said...

That is too awesome for words. (well besides those words)

Tamaran said...

That. Is. AWESOME!

Us Lochers said...

For a second I thought I had arrived on GQ! he he he

Shelli said...

Hahahaha!!!! I love it! I looked really closely to see if you look like dad with a mustache, but I don't think so. So funny. You really know how to have fun!