Sunday, November 23, 2008


Well it is official. I have been accepted to the graduate program in Civil Engineering at the University of Utah. I feel like I should learn some more about structural engineering and thought school would be a good place to do that. So I start classes in January (the 12th) and I will try to take two classes a semester for the next five semesters and get my Masters degree. Seems simple enough. Hopefully I can last. When I was in school before it was pretty hectic and Molly hated it and I never saw the kids and I was always tired. But I like school and I like learning. Hopefully it won't be as bad this time. When I was in school before I was taking 4 or 5 classes a semester and trying to fit 40 hours of work in after school. So that made for late nights. Now I am going to try to only have two nights a week where I get home only about 45 minutes later than usual. And I can do my homework after the kids go to bed. So I think it will be much better. If not, I may have to scale it back to one class a semester. But I am excited to get started on it. I am signed up for Concrete Design II and Foundation Design this semester. I am hoping that now that I have done real work in these subjects that it will be easier than going into the classes cold, but I could be way off. A lot of classes in college have nothing to do with standard design practices unfortunately and only deal with the theoretical. But I will soon find out. If you see Molly alone and with a desperate look in her eye, you will know that things aren't going as well as I had hoped.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

just wanted you to know someone is out here reading this cute stuff, and loving it. I cannot tell you how many times I have watched Luke's dance. it just make me laugh and laugh. Justin and I watched it together tonight, and he too, thought it was a delight.
In fact all of the posts, both Yours and molly's have been delightful! Love... Mom