Sunday, November 2, 2008

(the real) Halloween 2008

Well Halloween was a success this year. If you call about 13 lbs of candy a success. I do. Since we only bought four pounds of candy and had at least half of that left at the end of the night, plus the 13lbs or so that the kids brought home. Maybe Lila will finally put on a little weight this year. The kids wore the same costumes that they wore for the trunk-or-treat. Zoe was a veterinarian, Lila was a witch, Leisel was a ballerina, and Luke was a turtle. Here is a couple pictures. I couldn't get them all together for one shot so I had to do two. The first is Luke, Leisel, and Lila. The second is Leisel, Zoe, and Lila.
And here are some pumpkins that the kids carved. They each got to design and carve their own which they loved. The top left is Zoe's, top right is Lila's, bottom left is Leisel's, bottom right is Luke's. I helped Luke with his but the girls mostly did their own. I even made them clean out the pumpkin innards themselves (mostly). I forgot to take a picture of them right after they were carved so this is after a few warm days and they have started to kind of slump a bit. And Luke liked to roll his around the yard so his is pretty beat up looking. Good times, good times.

Here is me. Well this is the me I always wanted to be anyway: long flowing hair and no pesky glasses. It is the non-balding, non-glasses wearing me. If I had hair I would grow it long and dye it black and wear it rocker style. Maybe. A guy can dream you know.

1 comment:

Shelli said...

Everything looks great! I love the wig! You and Jared are definitely brothers! (Maybe Jared is subconsciously afraid of following in your hair-challenged ways, so he is trying to get in all the use of his hair now!) The kids look cute. I love Luke's pumpkin. I wish we lived closer too. Love you all!